Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stop Foreclosure Fast and Take Care of Your Health

The housing bubble created a big mess in the global economy when it burst. Many homeowners who did not exactly qualify for a home mortgage based on income and credit were given loans by banks that were more than ready to make a quick buck as long as the housing market allowed. The number of foreclosures on homes and rental properties has been going up steadily since 2007 and one wonders if the end is in sight. One consequence of losing a home to foreclosure that doesn’t get much coverage these days is the affect on the health of the people involved.

Dealing with a foreclosure can cause the following health issues:

Poor diet
Sleep deprivation

The stress involved with people facing foreclosure starts well before the actual foreclosure process. Many people have to make tough decisions prior to losing their home. Many people prioritize keeping the home and let other expenses like dining out, entertainment, and travel lapse. The normal stress relieving activities are replaced with the added stress of the unknown. Even if you know that you are going to be evicted from your home and you have come to peace with that reality, you have the added fear of moving to a new place to live. And in many cases you don’t have a place to go.

Depression would seem like a natural result of losing your home and for many it is. Mental health declines as people feel embarrassed and ashamed of their situation. Many people try to hide the fact that they are hurting financially. And in some cases they even hide their situation from friends and even family members. As people pull away from their normal “support” system of family and friends depression is all too often the result.

Spending habits change when people are facing prospect of foreclosure. The healthy lunch at a more expensive restaurant is replaced by the more economical and often times unhealthy fast food. The dollar menu items are a great place for someone who is watching their pennies to get the most satisfaction for their buck. These empty calories fill the stomach but make people more over weight, which combined with the stress, and depression can cause greater health issues.

If you are having trouble sleeping while facing an imminent foreclosure, you are not alone. It is very common for people to “lose sleep” in these tough economic times. Loss of sleep is especially common for those who will be faced with moving to an unknown location. Just think, in a normal move how much sleep you would lose as you try to keep everything under control. It is much worse when you are moving and you have little control.

Foreclosure can be very taxing on ones body both physically and mentally. To <a href="">Stop Foreclosure Fast</a> and avoid the almost certain stress, depression, poor diet, and sleep deprivation, one should look for the best way to Stop Foreclosure at

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